24 May 2006

Bila nak balik?

Just received an email from an old mate and the "soalan cepu mas" came out again. "Bila nak balik?" and I answered "maybe in 2 years time". hmmm.. been saying that for the last six years. hahahahaa.. dah takde value lagi lah that answer. Dah syiok sangat ke aku kat London ni?

I am adamant that we were to go back for the little one to start school but that means going back next year and we are nowhere near ready! There is still too many places I wanted to go to from here. It is just so easy to get bog down with work and even with the generous holidays they give here (27 days! compared to 14 days in Singapore), we never find the time and the funds to go. Especially now that little one is starting proper school in September.

Nevertheless, managed to squeeze in a quick trip to Amsterdam with Anita while she was here on her maiden Europe trip. Having Anita here was fun, fun, fun! I wish more of my kakis can make the trip to London.

It was a long awaited amd long planned trip. No need to bore people with the zillions of emails that pinged back and forth between Anita and me but on 21st April, she finally appeared in the flesh! I must say the first words I spoke to her was "Anita! your hair so straight!" and then " I can't believe you are here!!" and then "I don't remember you being shorter than me". Good friend ah...

Although the joy of having a good fren over was interrupted by her "stalker", we recouped back the fun during the 3-day trip to Amsterdam. I had been there before with husband and child. Big mistake to bring child! You can't go into all the interesting (read : sex) shops. It was just us girls this time round and what a riot we had! Definitely something to be repeated in the future.


yuRa said...

bila nak balik? bila nak balik? bila nak balik? hahahahah...

tu ah.. bila ha??

ye lah .. ye lah.. tak cukup blog yang lagi satu, kat sini pon nak cerita pasal pegi amsterdam trip with anita. hmph! *sour grapes*

Nani said...

Wah Shikin... you r definitely very well-travelled by now. Kepingin jugak nak pegi London, dgn Ayu ke.... and 2 budaks and bapak budak.

Anonymous said...

Ni kira bila nak update blog?

melayudilondon said...

alamak..i tengah cari ilham lah. mungkin when i jumpa Mickey Mouse kat Disneyland Paris next week, ada idea nak tulis. hahahah

yuRa said...

girl, enjoy your Disney trip!

when you wish upon a star
doesn't matter who you are
when you wish upon a star
your dreams will come true ...


*sings and skips*

yuRa said...

cik kak dah balik!! : )