13 June 2008

Growing pains

The not-so-little one complained that one of her teeth is wobbly. Finally! The first baby tooth is coming out. I was all for it to come off naturally but a week later, we saw the permanent tooth surfacing a little crooked. Off to the school dentist we went.

I've not been to a school dentist some 20 odd years! The horrible dental nurse in my primary school really put me off going to the dentist. I still had visions of that horrid woman screaming and shouting at me. Thank goodness dentists and dental assistants nowadays are much more child friendly.

The lovely lady attending the not-so-little one talked to her about cartoons, about princesses and other things. Took her mind off when it came to anaesthetise the gum for the extraction and another filling.

The most pleasant thing is she checked Alia's mouth and told me three of the adult molars at the back had surfaced. I just realised how much she had grown!

The tiny baby tooth was given to her to be taken home and I was talking about tooth fairy and how much would the tooth fairy leave. Strangely, she just does not want to have the money, preferring to keep the tooth instead. How much as she grown!